Friday 22 March 2019


Line: It can be defined as a dot in movement. It has a position a direction in the space and one of its principal function consists on marking the shapes outlines.

                                         TYPES OF LINES:

Zig zag or broken lines: they are formed by several fragments of straight lines with different directions.
Wavy line: They are formed by several fragment of curved lines
Curly line: they hold more curves than wavy lines and show loops
Scribble: chaotic or meaningles lines than are traced radowly of childhood or to fell in some area with a particular texture.
Hatching: it is a way of shading or giving to res to the areas of objects or surfaces with parallels lines
Cross hatching : it is a way shedding areas of a drawing or surfaces with parallels several direction
Dashed (or dated) lines: they are lines which are not continues formed by little traces or dots
Blurred: they are very soft or vanished so they are hard to see an opposite to intense and deep
Simpleminded lines: they are lines composed by fragment of several straight and curve lines

                              EXPRESIONS OF LINES:

Vertical lines: they express an accident of descendent movement, depending on how they are used.
Horizontal lines: they produce visual feeling on stability and calmness or tranquillity but they can be monotone if they are used too much
Skew lines expressiveness: they produce unsteadiness and movement feeling.

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