Monday 17 December 2018


I wish you Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

Tuesday 11 December 2018


I get up at half past seven.
I have breakfast.
I get changed.
I go to the high school at ten past eight.
When I finish the high school, I have lunch.
I do my homework and study.
I go English's class at half past five.
I go football at 8 o' clock.
I have dinner.
And I go to the bed.


Cuadrilaterals: They are polygons with four sides and four vertices.
Parallelograms: They are cuadrilaterals with two pairs of parallels opposite equal sides and two pairs of opposites equal angles. Their diagonals bisect each other.

Four sides equal.
Four angles equal 90 º.
Two diagonals.
Four sides equal two by two.
Four angles equal 90 º.
Four sides equal.
Four angles two by two.

Four sides equal two by two
Four angles equal two by two.

Trapeziums: Only one pair of sides are parallels.

Right trapeziums
One angle equal 90º.
Two sides parallels.
Isosceles trapeziums
Two sides parallels.
Two sides equal.

Scalen trapeziums
Two sides parallels.
Four sides not equal.

Four sides not equal.
Not parallels lines.

Thursday 6 December 2018


Tap  - Grifo
Shoe lances - Cordones del zapato
Bristels - Cerdas
Volunteer - Voluntario
Native - Nativo
Pilgrime - peregrino
Parade - Cabalgata
Cramberry sauce - Salsa de arandano
Nut - Nueces


      What can I do that I couldn't do before?
       Now I can do a blog.
       Now I know more words for use when I am speraking.
       What do I like most?
       The games.
       Go to the computer room.
      What do I do well?
      The listening.
      The reading.
      What am I confused about?
      Abby's class when she speaks fast.
      Some listening because I don't understand very well.
      What do I need help with?
      With the listening.

      What do I do in English outside the class?
       I listen music in English.
       I go to English class.
      What do I need to improve?
      I need to do more listening.

      What did I learn about culture?
      About Thankgiving 
      About Halloween
      About Florida.

Tuesday 4 December 2018


           MY SKULL                                                                  MY PUMKIN

I think halloween is a very popular holiday. Children usually dress up and go out and ring the doorbell. When a person in the house opens the door, you say "Trick or Treat". The people in the house give you some candies. This holiday celebrated on the thirty-first October. I like Halloween because it is fun seeing the people dressed up.

Saturday 1 December 2018


Star polygon: is a polygon with a star shape, created from the union of non-consecutive vertices of a regular polygon.
Inscribed polygons: they are polygons place inside circles so all vertices of the polygon are placed on the circle.

Circumscribed: they are polygons that surround a circle, behind their sides to the inner circle.
Equiangular: all their corners, angles or vertices are equal.
Equilateral: all edges or sides are of the same length.
Regular: all their vertices, angles and sides are equals.
Irregular: show different angles and length for sides.

Monday 26 November 2018


Ruth Beitia is a Spanish athlete (Santander), she practices high jump but she has retired on October 18, 2017 and now she is a member of the PP.    
She has got 6 gold medals, 6 plate medals and 4 bronze medals.
She has participated in The Olympic Games, World Championship covered track,World Championship, European ChampionshipEuropean Championship oncovered track and in the Mediterranean Games.

Her best achievement is a gold medal in the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games.

Monday 19 November 2018


Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday on November. This year is on the 22nd November.
Resultado de imagen de imagenes de thanksgiving


Complementary angles: they are couples of angle which sum is 90º.
Suplementary angles: they are couples of angles which sum is 180º
Adjacent angles: They are angles that share one side and the vertex.


Parallels: They are lines which never intersect them selves, so all points are equidistant.
Perpendicular: They are lines which meet forming four right angles.
Oblique: They are lines aren’t parallels neither perpendicular.
Angle: It is a figure formed by two rays (sides of angle) sharing a comman endpoint (vertex)


Circles: Set of points of the same distance (equidistant) to a point called centre.
Circunference: it is the full lengh of a circle. The complete distance aaround a circle.
Center: it is the point equidistant to any of the points on a circles.
Radius: it isa the lengh oof a line segment from the centre to perimetre.
Diameter: a line segment that passes though the center and conects two points of a circle.
Chard: a line segment which never intersect them selves so all points are equidistant.
Arc: line segment of a circle.

Friday 16 November 2018


Freehand: Draw by hand without guiding instruments, measurement.
Line/Techinical drawing: It is a drawing made with the help of supplies. It is usually the kind of drawing used for architecture or enginer plans.
Compass: it is a tool of drawing circles and arcs and also for measuring distances between points, consisting of two arms linked by a hinge.
Protactor: an instruments for measuring or drawing angles or paper usually a flat semicircular transparent plastic sheet graduated in degrees.
Set squares (U.K) Triangles (U.S.A): They are two specials rulers with a triangle shape. One is called the 45º triangles (45º square, U.K) and the other the 30º/60º triangles. Both have 90º angle. So, they are used to draw certain angles and also to draw parallels lines.
Eraser (Rubber, U.K): Is an object such as a piece of rubber, used for deleting something.
Marker (Felt tip pen, U.K): A pen having a writing point made from pressed fibres.
Ruler: An instrument used to draw straight lines. Also called straight edge.

Monday 5 November 2018


Nephew - Sobrino
Niece - Sobrina
Grandson - Nieto
Granddaughter - Nieta
Basement - Sótano
Attic - Buhardilla
Wardrobe - Armario
Lift - Ascensor
Flat screen television - Televisión de plasma
Balcony - Balcón
The Flintstones - Los Picapiedra
Seashell - Caracola
Unsual  - Inusual/Rara
Siblings  hermanos


I think my bedroom is big. I have got a lot of things:
I have got a wardrobe, where I keep my clothes; a bed, I sleep in there, it’s comfortable and wide. I have some shelves with board games, pictures, and a lot of more things. In one shelf I put all my books. I have got a bedside table, on there I put my alarm clock and the book that I am reading. I have got a very big desk with classrooms books, notebooks, the computer, the pencil case and the flexo. On one wardrobe I have got a televisión. I love my bedroom it’s amazing, fantastic and with a lot of space. I haven’t got a bin, a balcony, bunk of beds. But I like my bedroom, I’ve got a lot of things.

Sunday 21 October 2018


GEOMETRY: It is an area of knowledge which studies any elements and operations or/in the plane such as points.
GREEK: Geo is earh metry is measurement.
POINT: In geometry a point can be defined as places or location where two lines interseet. A point hasn’t, no height and no whdth.
LINE: a one-dimensional object porned of infinite pointes. It hasn’t end and countinous on forever.
RAY: a line which begins at a particular point (called end point) and extends endlessly in one direction.
Mind point: It’s the point that is halfway between the endpoints of the line segment
Line segment: it’s a line with two endpoints.
Length: measurement of something from end to end

Tuesday 9 October 2018


Welcome to my blog. This is my new blog!!