Tuesday 5 November 2019


Hello again in this new couse, 2º ESO.

Resultado de imagen de imagen de bienvenida de nuevo en ingles

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Friday 14 June 2019


Color: it´s a basic element of visual language. It´s is a light impression that arrives to the eyes which send the information to the brain.
Pigment: it´s a sustant that make the materials for paint, it can be mineral, natural or artificial.
The three properties of color:
Hue: also called tone or tint. It´s the name of the color defined by its wave.
Saturation: degree of purity of a color. If acolor is very saturated it means that is very pure and doesn't have many color mix.
Value: sometimes called brightness or luminosity. it is the amount of black or white that a color has in its mix.
Complementary color: They are pairs of colour which are located one in front of each other on the colour wheel.
Warm range: It is a scale of colours that has either more yellow, more magenta, or both in its mixture. They express warmth, energy, youth ness or proximity.
Cold range: It is a scale of colors that has more cyan or blue in its mixture than any other colour. They are set on one side of the colour wheel and transmit the temperature sensation of coldness and distances.
Grey scale: It is a set of colours which only has any colour between black and white, it contains a scale of greys.

Wednesday 29 May 2019


 Texture: it is the visual and tactile quality of the surfaces due to the material.
Tactile textures: are those that can be perceived through the sense of the touch.
Visual textures: those which can only be perceived through the sense of sight.
Natural textures: those that can be found in nature.
Artificial textures: are those created by the human being manually or menically.
Rubbing technique: it consists on fractioning or rubbing a crayon  


Shape: It is the extremal appearance of an object an element in an image.
Natural Shapes: They are the ones related to nature. They haven't been created by human.
Artificial Shapes: Shapes which have been created by human or mechanical producers.
Organic Shapes/ free form: They are shapes that have irregular profile or silhouette as well as their inner surface. Organic shapes are usually material even though.
Geometric Shapes: Shapes whose parts follow a mathematic order, laws or patterns.
Flat Shapes: They have 2 dimensions such a paper sheet a cinema screen on a carver.
Form: They are volumetric shapes, they appear and are three dimensional.


Cricket consists of two teams of eleven players, play with a bat and a ball. The field is more less oval and grassy. Istarted playing in England. The batters play in pairs, one of them is located in the area where the ball is thrown and the other one from where he hits, his function is to hit the ball as far as possible. 

Resultado de imagen de simbolo para el criquet

Monday 27 May 2019


He was born in South Africa on the 3rd of January in 1892.
He came to britian when he was 4 years old.
Tolkien studied at Oxford University.
Tolkien had 4 children.
He was married.
He met his friends at Eagle and child pub.
Tolkien wrote strange characters and scary animals.
His wife died in 1971.
Tolkien died in 1973.
Now millions of people can watch the films and read Tolkien's books.
Resultado de imagen de tolkien

Saturday 27 April 2019


Jewellery - Joyas
Mobile phone case - Fundas del movil
Nail varnish - pintauñas
Purse - cartera
Wallet - billetera 

Friday 12 April 2019


Dive - Bucear
Sail - Navegar
Binoculars - Prismáticos
Fist-aid kit - botiquín te primeros auxilios
Insect repellent - repelente de insectos
Waterproof jacket - chubasquero

Friday 22 March 2019


  • What can I do that I couldn't do before?
I can use more vocabulary for do a writing and speak.
  • What do I like most?
I like the games and activites the most.
  • What do I do well?
I do well the reading and the translation
  • What am I confused about?
Some listening
  • What do I need help with?
I need more help with pronunciation.
  • What do I do in English outside the class?
I listen music in English 
I go to English class
  • What do I need to improve?
I need to improve in listening 
I need to improve my pronunciation
  • What did I learn about culture?
I learned a lot of things about Britian. 


Line: It can be defined as a dot in movement. It has a position a direction in the space and one of its principal function consists on marking the shapes outlines.

                                         TYPES OF LINES:

Zig zag or broken lines: they are formed by several fragments of straight lines with different directions.
Wavy line: They are formed by several fragment of curved lines
Curly line: they hold more curves than wavy lines and show loops
Scribble: chaotic or meaningles lines than are traced radowly of childhood or to fell in some area with a particular texture.
Hatching: it is a way of shading or giving to res to the areas of objects or surfaces with parallels lines
Cross hatching : it is a way shedding areas of a drawing or surfaces with parallels lines.in several direction
Dashed (or dated) lines: they are lines which are not continues formed by little traces or dots
Blurred: they are very soft or vanished so they are hard to see an opposite to intense and deep
Simpleminded lines: they are lines composed by fragment of several straight and curve lines

                              EXPRESIONS OF LINES:

Vertical lines: they express an accident of descendent movement, depending on how they are used.
Horizontal lines: they produce visual feeling on stability and calmness or tranquillity but they can be monotone if they are used too much
Skew lines expressiveness: they produce unsteadiness and movement feeling.


Dot:it's the smallest and most simple element in art expression. It may have qualites such us size, shape and color.
The dot three-dimensional capacity: When the size, shapes and colours are changed, the dot can create visual sensations of special deepness and volume.
The dot expresive capacity: The point has a ulimited capacity to represent images to express ideas and emotions.
Optical mix: When colours are mixed with the help of distance. Point isn’t mixed on the palette or on the painting. The optical mix was used first the pointillism.


Wednesday 20 March 2019


Symmetry: It is a quality of some shapes which some of their parts are reflections of others.
Reflection symmetry: It is a shapes quality which is formed by two halves facing each other with an axis or fold line in between as if both sides where a mirrror images of each other.
Symmetry axis: It is a line which divides a shape into two symmetric halves. Symmetric points are on a perpendicular line to it.
Central symmetry: It is the reflection of an object through a point called the symmetry center. Symmetric pair of points are colinear with the center.

Wednesday 6 March 2019


Field - Campo
Court - Cancha
Track - Pista
Boarding School - Internado
Canteen - Cafetería
Staffroom - Sala de profesores
Googles - Gafas de buceo
Bunger Jumping - Puenting
Weird - Extraño / raro
Risky - Peligroso
Crowded - Lleno de gente
Queues - Colas 

Friday 22 February 2019


Black pudding - Morcilla 
Dried blood - Sangre seca
Custard - Natillas 
Innings - Entrada
Led guads - Protecciones para las piernas
Wickets - Palos de cricket
Single - Soltera
Didn't Surrender - No se rindió
Hoaxes - Engaños
Sword - Espada
Dome - Cúpula
Run a restaurant - Llevar un restaurante

02 Arena                                                                                 
Resultado de imagen de The 02 arena     
Resultado de imagen de el cricket

Resultado de imagen de fotos tenis wimbledon

Wednesday 13 February 2019


Free climbing is more dangerous than skateboarding
Scuba diving is the easiest

Thursday 31 January 2019

Thursday 10 January 2019


Poison - veneno 
Dismissed - despedido
Pregnant - embarazada
Sentry - centinela
Ravens - cuervos
Highlands - tierras altas
Kilt - falda escocesa
Tartan - tartán
Solemn - solemne
Wig - peluca
Tools and pots - herramientas
Thistle - cardo
Shamrock - trébol
Daffodil - narciso
Speech - discurso
Gunpowder - plovora
Locks - cierra